Bộ thẻ 30 phút mở lời

Công cụ đơn giản giúp bạn tạo ra những cuộc trò chuyện giàu tính kết nối, giúp bạn khám phá những điều thú vị về các thành viên trong nhóm bạn, nhóm đồng nghiệp hay nhóm mới quen trong vòng 30 phút.
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60 thẻ, 5 nhóm câu hỏi với cấp độ từ dễ dàng tới thách thức
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Untitled has saved us thousands of hours of work. We’re able to spin up projects and features faster.

Kelly Williams
Head of Design, Layers
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"We’ve been using Untitled to kick start every new project and can’t imagine working without it."
Candice Wu
Product Manager, Sisyphus
"Love the simplicity of the service and the prompt customer support. We can’t imagine working without it."
Mollie Hall
Web Developer, Sisyphus
"Untitled has saved us thousands of hours of work. We’re able to spin up projects in hours."
Kelly Williams
Head of Design, Layers
"Love the simplicity and the prompt customer support."
Koray Okumus
UX Designer, Circooles
"We’ve been using Untitled to kick start every new project and can’t imagine working without it. It's a game changer for sure."
Portrait of a woman
Olivia Rhye
Head of Design, Layers
"We’ve been using Untitled to kick start every new project. I can’t imagine working without it."
Lyle Kauffman
Data Engineer, Catalog